29 September 2008

My New Baby

Is coming later this week. After years of waiting, I finally bought a spinning wheel!

all photos by kathkol

She's coming all the way from Michigan... a Rick Reeves 24" Saxony. I'm so excited I can barely stand it.


juliblue said...

I missed buying this wheel by minutes!! I hope she has fun at your house, and when you need to get another wheel, or she is ready to come live with me, let me know!! Have fun!! I'll be waiting:) Sincerely, Juliblue

CraftyGryphon said...

Hee! I just learned to spin this weekend, but I heard "Rick Reeves" mentioned a lot, and I know the difference between Saxony and castle wheels (and why a Lundrum is still a castle, even if it tilts).

It looks like a lovely wheel, I hope you get many, many years of enjoyment from it!